Saturday, September 11, 2010

Forget Me Not

I’d like to believe I understand, the silent answers you give and the guarded responses that linger, because I too am that way.

But I don’t know you at all.

I know the words you’ll choose to type and the letters you press to form them, but somehow it all gets lost in the space between your screen and mine and I’ll never know the truth. I’ll never know the strength or the passion behind your words because I have never heard your tone. I’ll never know the sincerity of “I’m sorry” “I miss you too” or “I hope to talk soon” because I have never had your sound drift into my ears that let me know it was real.

I did once.

Long ago.

You sat across from me and asked what I was thinking and I boldly uttered, “I wish you didn’t have to go.”

Our eyes met and the silence remained and you uttered just as boldly back, “I wish I didn’t have to either.”

You spoke those words. I remember.

But now I want to forget.


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