Saturday, August 29, 2009

Stepping Stone

August 29, 2009

“Isn’t it better to be alone than pretend you’re someone else? Be you. Find you. Be happy with that.”

~Katherine Heigl~

I’m remembering the reasons why I booked this trip to Thailand; and furthermore, why I moved to Australia. I was unhappy. I was with someone just so I didn’t have to be alone. It’s important to know who you are and what you want; it’s important to take care of you, and it is okay to help yourself before everyone else...I just want to live and not worry so much about the young and the ‘hopeless’. But really, who's to say who the hopeless are?

I’ve learned, and not yet fully, that you can’t save those who don’t want to be saved. It will hurt a great deal when that realization comes into play, and it may take a long time to completely wrap your head around it, but when you do, a massive amount of peace will come to both your heart and your mind.

It will be at this moment you will accept that you did all you could do. Trust yourself. Trust that your heart was in the right place. Trust and Believe they do and have appreciated all the help and support you have given to them. Maybe they weren’t fixed, but maybe they aren’t supposed to be.

Only so much time and energy can be given without one person being hurt; without a pounding heart bleeding tears, gasping for a breath of fresh belief. A belief that the words shouted were a mere confusion due to a drunken slur; that the fists thrown were really meant for someone else; and that it will all be forgiven. A belief that the tears seen were understood; the lingering silence and intense stares were a sign of “I’m sorry” and “I understand”; and that the soft words were spoken with truth and sincerity.

While we can all wish and hope, there still is that minor feeling of reality that denies us not of our fairytale ending, but of our fairytale chapter. And to be honest, it’s quite unfortunate. It’s unfortunate for those of us who allow ourselves to escape to our fantasy playground giving us peace of mind and our own sense of clarity, simply because there are those who cannot find their own.

“You don’t have to blow out someone else’s candle just to make yours glow brighter.”

Learn these words and truly understand its depth and value. Appreciate the power of one. Embrace the strengths of others and live your life not in fear that you are being shaded but that together you are creating a light to be admired, and perhaps, followed.

Please hear me when I say, God does not bring dark and stormy days to make you feel as though it is you against the world. I promise you this is not His intention. It is brought to you so you can see your own strength within this mad world that does exist. While the dark clouds make it difficult to get up in the morning, who’s to say the rain is to follow?

Bring on the rain and bring your own sunshine; the two together replenish all that this world is. Replenishing our souls and setting our ghosts free – you are not alone. You may not be the center of attention but this does not mean you are not cared for. This does not mean you are forgotten but merely believed in. Even when those dark clouds cover the rays of sun shining down upon you, it does not mean you are being shunned, but perhaps protected and covered from a danger you are not yet aware of. Please don’t give up hope and please don’t let go because you will be missed. There are those you don’t realize who will fight for you so you won’t feel alone, and there are those who will be your rock even if you don’t want them to be. Accept the love and appreciate the tenderness that comes with it because one day you will be very surprised.

One day you will have a perfect stranger say things to you that will make you realize the truth; and that truth will replenish your heart and touch your soul and make you remember who you are…

…A trusting friend who only wants the best for everyone. A young woman that deserves to shed

no tears but bare only happiness with a smile that brings a guiding light to others; a heart that gives expecting only happiness and safety for all.

And it is then you will breathe in a breath of fresh relief.

VB, AB, WH~*~

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