Friday, November 13, 2009

~*~Friday the 13th~*~

Friday, November 13, 2009

~*~P&O Interview~*~

Are we not loyal to the point of no return? Do people die because of what their loyalties are? Religion, Government? Is it not better to be loyal to ourselves and those around us? Perhaps if we were more loyal to our friends there would be a more perfect balance consisting of harmony and passion instead of crime and hate. But who’s to say what that is; a perfect balance. Somewhere in the middle? Between good and evil? Right and wrong? What’s best for ourselves AND for others?

These are the judgments one must make on a daily basis. Do unto others as you’d have done unto you. It’s not always that simple, is it? There are those in this world who, on a constant, will put others first and help them seek their own happiness, but is that balance? Does it cause happiness for all parties involved? Maybe, and if so, why does the sadness still exist?

As I sit here on this train bound for morning glory, I wonder the thoughts of those around me. The bills she reads, the sounds he hears, the sights she sees….happiness. I can speak only for myself and the thoughts I lead, with hopes that others agree.

The shades one hides behind may be their only feeling of safety. The reflection you see is your own, not theirs. We are this world’s energy. What we send out is what we will receive. While we may feel pain and fear, take that energy and embrace all that comes with it. Don’t dismiss your feelings, but don’t hold onto the energy which saddens your soul. Please don’t forget these feelings, because when you begin to let go and accept the pain and the fear, it is then you will feel the energy of happiness and hope, and you will appreciate these feelings that much more…

Life isn’t all about sunny days and laughter, there is hard work which must be done and strife that will be met, but conquer all that comes your way. You always have a choice.

A choice to smile at the comments that attempt to bring you down;

to relax when the storm delays your travel;

to laugh at the embarrassment you lived through;

a choice to be strong.

Choose to be who you really are.

Think not about what will happen if you don’t succeed, if you don’t go out, if you don’t stay, or if you should have left.

Think not about the pain you once felt, but the happiness that slipped in lingering in your heart for a few passing moments causing you to smile. Wish not that you were still somewhere you once were, for you would then not be where you are today, or rather; you would not be who you are today, and then what?

Would we have not met? Would you not feel the need to read this? Would this have been written? The questions asked are ones that can’t be answered, and they aren’t supposed to be. We can all live the scenario of ‘what if’, but do we have to?

We live in a mad world, and we’re all mad in our own way, contributing to the diversity that surrounds us. Don’t hate because it’s not your own, or others aren’t as you are. It’s not that anyone is wrong, merely different. Learn from these differences. Take all good things and make them your own, it’s your choice. In our generation we have the ability to change our lives; all we must do is change our attitudes. Worry attracts more worry and hate attracts more hate.

You have one life to live. What do you want out of it? Think about

this question and take it seriously. Do you want to surround yourself and help create a world growing with hate or happiness? While we all come from different walks of life, we are still one and the same. Judge not based on what you are told, or what you assume. You don’t know everyone’s story, and they don’t know yours. Everyone has a history and a path they walked to be where they are today; the same but different from your own.

The same because you met; different because you are not them and they are not you. Embrace these differences and grow from what you experience. There is no wrong in change and there is no wrong in difference. In the last ten minutes you have grown and you have changed, just as I have. How do you feel?

Smile at the joyous moments you experience, wish for all that you can, dream big, and always remember - you are not alone.

Breathe in your breath of fresh belief.

Monday, October 19, 2009


October 19, 2009

I think it’s immediately before, or perhaps shortly after they leave that we begin to feel a small emptiness inside of us. It’s an emptiness not as great as a loss because they do still exist, but a loss from our everyday routine. One that we were becoming accustomed to and one we looked forward to occurring regularly. Some people cause the most extreme amount of happiness one has ever felt, others cause confusion and grief, and then some just pass us by, but without fail, each of these people shape us into who we are; today, and who we are becoming tomorrow.

There are times our minds travel to this other world where outsiders may assume we are day dreaming, but it is the place we go to when we argue back and forth to ourselves. Questioning if it was true, was it worth it, why is this happening...again? It is good to question and it is good to accept what the reality of the situation is. To think rationally is to think realistically. Is it? Is it important to understand what is most likely going to happen? For the part that is “most likely going to happen”; does it have to be negative? Does it have to end? Does it have to be that someone is going to get hurt? Does it have to be heart-ache and torment? No.

Who’s to say the end result isn’t a prince charming sweeping you off your feet? If it happened to someone else, why can’t it happen to you?

Hear me when I say it’s not you that this keeps happening to. Hear me when I say, it will happen to you as well, just give it time. You have, I’m sure, more than one guardian angel watching over you, calculating the perfect time for everything to fall into place. This does not mean to just sit and wait, life doesn’t happen in that particular way. You must want it. You must send out the energy that you are here and you are alive; that your life is worth living and that you want this. That you want the best that life has to offer and you will live it the best way you know how to...

.....But without that desire and that burning passion for what you want, life will just pass you by.

AT, CW, WH~*~

Thursday, October 15, 2009


October 15, 2009

What is it that makes us push our own happiness away? In this life, we all will have pain and we will all feel grief, loss, and even to an extent some form of betrayal. But what is it, or who is it, that says it has to linger? While we all experience these bad feelings, we also do experience feelings that in an instant turn our worlds upside down. The feelings that make your heart skip a beat, your insides tingle, goosebumps arise, and the feelings that cause you to smile without being able to stop. It’s those feelings and experiences that cause you to glow. Hold onto that.

Hold onto your happiness. Let go of your hurt.

Anyone can wonder ‘what if...’ for anysituation they wish happened differently, but is it worth it? Yes, maybe that situation caused massive amounts of pain, but have you not felt one moment of happiness since then? It isat these times that we must give ourselves options and weigh them out to the greatest extremes. Do you want to cry everyday about something which cannot be changed? Or do you want to wake up in the morning, take a deep breath, smile, and embrace what today has to offer?

Storms will come in out of nowhere, damaging all we believed to begood; destroying our hearts and tainting our souls. But after every storm, somewhere, there is a rainbow glowing brightly for us to wish upon. You must understand, the rainbow you see is the last bit of the storm clashing with the rays of sunshine breaking through the clouds, and at this moment there is peace and there is clarity. In our lives, there are going to be storms, some damaging more than others, but please always remember there will be a rainbow for you. You may not always see the beauty, but it’s up to you to believe it’s there,and it’s up to you, to sometimes bring your own sunshine.

Remember the pain you have felt, but don’t live this pain. It can and will consume you if you let it. Remember before the pain, and reminisce on the moments when you felt no pain. Do you feel that? Can you feel your heart beginning to race? Perhaps an extreme urge to cry will come over you. That sensation will be you breaking free from the torment of the past that has been haunting you. The ghosts from your past are those refusing to let you go, refusing to let you live and grow. These ghosts cause you to continue to live in this torturous lifestyle with a lingering feeling of hatred, regret, and solitude.

Rise above.
You can. Look deep inside and be the wild horse running along the ocean surf. Break free and live the life you want to live. Live by your own rules and allow yourself to feel alive. It is your life, and you are the only one who can choose to make it worth living, and believe me, it’s always worth living.

Be you and be happy with who you are. You are amazing. Others will now see that rainbow, because you have become the sunshine breaking through their storms causing them to


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Stepping Stone

August 29, 2009

“Isn’t it better to be alone than pretend you’re someone else? Be you. Find you. Be happy with that.”

~Katherine Heigl~

I’m remembering the reasons why I booked this trip to Thailand; and furthermore, why I moved to Australia. I was unhappy. I was with someone just so I didn’t have to be alone. It’s important to know who you are and what you want; it’s important to take care of you, and it is okay to help yourself before everyone else...I just want to live and not worry so much about the young and the ‘hopeless’. But really, who's to say who the hopeless are?

I’ve learned, and not yet fully, that you can’t save those who don’t want to be saved. It will hurt a great deal when that realization comes into play, and it may take a long time to completely wrap your head around it, but when you do, a massive amount of peace will come to both your heart and your mind.

It will be at this moment you will accept that you did all you could do. Trust yourself. Trust that your heart was in the right place. Trust and Believe they do and have appreciated all the help and support you have given to them. Maybe they weren’t fixed, but maybe they aren’t supposed to be.

Only so much time and energy can be given without one person being hurt; without a pounding heart bleeding tears, gasping for a breath of fresh belief. A belief that the words shouted were a mere confusion due to a drunken slur; that the fists thrown were really meant for someone else; and that it will all be forgiven. A belief that the tears seen were understood; the lingering silence and intense stares were a sign of “I’m sorry” and “I understand”; and that the soft words were spoken with truth and sincerity.

While we can all wish and hope, there still is that minor feeling of reality that denies us not of our fairytale ending, but of our fairytale chapter. And to be honest, it’s quite unfortunate. It’s unfortunate for those of us who allow ourselves to escape to our fantasy playground giving us peace of mind and our own sense of clarity, simply because there are those who cannot find their own.

“You don’t have to blow out someone else’s candle just to make yours glow brighter.”

Learn these words and truly understand its depth and value. Appreciate the power of one. Embrace the strengths of others and live your life not in fear that you are being shaded but that together you are creating a light to be admired, and perhaps, followed.

Please hear me when I say, God does not bring dark and stormy days to make you feel as though it is you against the world. I promise you this is not His intention. It is brought to you so you can see your own strength within this mad world that does exist. While the dark clouds make it difficult to get up in the morning, who’s to say the rain is to follow?

Bring on the rain and bring your own sunshine; the two together replenish all that this world is. Replenishing our souls and setting our ghosts free – you are not alone. You may not be the center of attention but this does not mean you are not cared for. This does not mean you are forgotten but merely believed in. Even when those dark clouds cover the rays of sun shining down upon you, it does not mean you are being shunned, but perhaps protected and covered from a danger you are not yet aware of. Please don’t give up hope and please don’t let go because you will be missed. There are those you don’t realize who will fight for you so you won’t feel alone, and there are those who will be your rock even if you don’t want them to be. Accept the love and appreciate the tenderness that comes with it because one day you will be very surprised.

One day you will have a perfect stranger say things to you that will make you realize the truth; and that truth will replenish your heart and touch your soul and make you remember who you are…

…A trusting friend who only wants the best for everyone. A young woman that deserves to shed

no tears but bare only happiness with a smile that brings a guiding light to others; a heart that gives expecting only happiness and safety for all.

And it is then you will breathe in a breath of fresh relief.

VB, AB, WH~*~