Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lost and Found

A child rests his head and a musician reads as a writer observes.

The love one holds within each heart is true and innocent.
Beautiful just as it is and just as it should be.

The fog begins to fade from the fields, still lingering in the trees as the sun climbs higher into the sky of soft blue.
Healing the wounds of sorrow and enlightening the hearts of pain.

I pray.

I pray for peace and I pray for hope.

A hope that not all are lost and they feel the rays of warmth from the angels holding them.
I pray that a belief has not been ruined and forgotten, but perhaps tucked away deep inside waiting for a moment when it will be found.

Lost for a moment in a search for love;
Lost for a moment in a search for life;
Lost for a moment in a search for self.

Don't Stop.

The rainbow is there, just beyond the hills glistening in the mist of the rain that replenished the worn roads of minds.
Minds that never stopped turning;
Minds that never stopped wanting;

Answers to questions they had never asked but knew.
Answers to letters that were never received.

A life of mystery and of wonders.
Magical serenity found,
"in the strength of differences between us,
and in the comforts where we overlap."